Hi, I'm Mrs. F-B!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

evaluating websites is a good idea

When you're surfing the Web, you probably only think about one thing when you look at a Web site: whether or not it's fun.
But when you're looking for information on the Web for school -- or really any time that you care that what you find is true and up-to-date -- you have to evaluate the website to make sure that you can trust the information on it.

Here are some questions to ask when you're looking at a website that will help you decide whether or not it's good:

Authority of Web Documents - Who made it?

Accuracy of Web Documents

Currency of Web Documents - When was it last updated?

Objectivity of Web Documents - Is it clear what it's about?

Sometimes, there is no good Web site. In that case, ask a librarian for help, go to a book, encyclopedia or magazine. Sometimes it's hard to believe, but books actually contain a LOT of helpful information!

Want to watch a little PREZI I made on this topic? Click HERE.


1 comment:

Ms. Yingling said...

Very nice. I've been having students look at sweetsearch.com and boolify.org because the results are better even when their search strings aren't great. Really, we need to tell them to evaluate every time they get on a computer!