Hi, I'm Mrs. F-B!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tengo Sed - James Fleming

I read this book based on the recommendation of two women who generally share the same taste in books as I, but this time, not so much. The story takes place in one day in a trauma unit at a teaching hospital. I love dr. shows and I've read other novels set in medical facilities that I really liked, so perhaps it was because I was expecting something similar to other stories I'd read that I didn't enjoy this book. And I tried, I really did. The story seemed really disjointed to me, and I couldn't develop sympathy for any of the characters, really. I think that's the place it fell apart for me most. I never felt like I "got" the main character. Other people have called this a "brilliant work of literature", so perhaps I've been reading too much YA lit of late and need to get back into the saddle with some more hard core grown-up books, but whatever the case, I was disappointed by this novel, Tengo Sed. Have you read it? I'd like to hear your thoughts!


Lenora said...

I just started and finished reading "Fang" by James Patterson, yesterday, and I need some other good books recommended to me. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I liked Tengo Sed so much that I'm re-reading it now, a few weeks after my first read. It is a quick read but very deep, and Fleming turns a great phrase. The main character -- a medical resident training in an ER room -- has this wonderful reaction to and reflection on all the action. He can pull back the curtain to find the emotional, even spiritual, reality of ER life and death. But he struggles to survive the intense trial-by-ordeal training where his taunting bosses and fellow residents are focused solely on the medical/scientific surface. The book isn't written as a screen play for the TV show ER. Its more like what Tolstoy might have written had he found himself living in an ER episode. So I agree with your women friends. I think Tengo Sed would be a great read for a book club.